Sunday, February 19, 2012

Lawn mown (at last..)

Our garden lawn has been mown, at long last.

The Mem Besar had been hinting to me, quite a few times, that our little garden is beginning to look like a little jungle. But due to, err...logistical issues and problems with scheduling, I had not been able to undertake the project.

I love mowing the lawn, actually.


I love the smell of the freshly cut grass. And I particularly enjoy the view of our small garden once the grass are cut nice and proper. Plus, it also gives me a bit of work out.

But you will understand, of course, due to logistical problems....


kotastar said...

May I suggest that we mow the garden together. Since cycling can take to a crowd or team to do the exercise why not gotong royong at our home too? Kemudiam Mem Besar boleh sedia makan pagi? Ha, Ha. Congratulation for a wonderful view of yr garden.

Azizi Ahmad Termizi: said...

Haha Pak Non my garden is too small to do a gotong royong. Fifteen minutes and its done already. Kalau nak cycle give me a tinkle.

AZMAN AHMAD TERMIZI: 12 Januari 1964 - 30 Julai 2022

  AZMAN AHMAD TERMIZI 12 Januari 1964 - 30 Julai 2022 Dearest Man.You were not only my beloved brother, but you were also my good friend. Th...