Yesterday was wukuf day at Padang Arafah. This was the very climax of the hajj pilgrimage.
It is also the day when pilgrims get to be the closest to Allah s.w.t. spiritually.
Today is Aidil Adha, or "Raya Korban" as it is sometimes called here in Malaysia.
All in the family are back home. We shall do our solat Aidil Adha here in Bandar Tun Hussein Onn. After that we will set off for Ipoh to visit Emak.
I wish everyone a happy Aidil Adha. And hope that the significance of the word "korban" is not lost upon us as we busily and happily go balik kampong to meet friends and families.
Let us ponder, for a moment, the sacrifices that the Prophet Ibrahim a.s. made in the name of Allah thousands of years ago. And then, let us reflect on the sacrifices that we ourselves have really made for that cause.
It pales in comparison, right?
Salam to all and everyone.